
So last night I dreamt of a camel in the house and a chicken. I was not happy about that and I decided to leave it all behind. Before bed, I was preparing to make cards for some jewelry the next day but without realizing how it comes together…yet. 
Today as I was fiddling around I came across this bird in a book called the Bower. The Bower prepares his nest in order to attract a female. Upon gazing at it, I realized it matched this heart necklace and thought how wonderful, And Behold He goes to prepare a place for you entered my mind. 
I looked up the scriptures and guess what? There are 13 verses that talk about this but 
I read Genesis 24. 
Beforehand, This morning I did a 10 minute meditation that lead me to discover the possibilities in the unknown of the universe and it did scare me a little with so many options. Hence the chicken in the house and the camel represents burdens according to dream interpretation. 

Genesis 24 in short, says that Abraham sent his servant on a quest to find a wife for his son Isaac in his hometown. The servant had his reserves if the girl would come or not, but he went anyway with 10 camels loaded with gifts and prayed that God would send the person that draws water and gives him to drink would also give water to the camels as a sign that this is the girl. As he spoke this prayer, Rebeka came and did as he requested. She became Isaac’s wife and God blessed them. 

I know God the father still speaks to us in many ways and I am listening. Furthermore, I am confident He always provides a way, the truth and life. Trust!

The Bower
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