Akashic Record Reading

What are the Akashic Records?

The Akashic Record is a field of energy which permutates every thing in existence. There is nothing that is not contained within the Akasha field.

This Akasha field is the “first substance” and every other substance has been born from the Akasha.

At the core of energy, there is a spark that first ignites energy into existence and getting to that truth is within the soul to learn new experiences.  Getting the answers as to why, where, how is accessed through the records.

The “Records” are information that is stored in this Akasha field of energy.

Everything that has ever existed and will exist has a corresponding record in the Akasha field. It is a history of your lifetime experiences, present and probabilities of future outcomes, the understanding of your true essence for clarity and understanding in truth, you can heal.

Your soul, the souls of animals, places, events, businesses and even plants all have a specific place in the Akashic Records.

To schedule a reading, please click here for appointment.

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